pattern generator with USB interface
connected VTG-4116 is a digital video signal source for designed
for testing, evaluating and servicing different types of Flat Panel
Displays in manufacturing, research & development. It can supply
the necessary signals for displaying test pictures on LCD, EL and
Plasma Displays or other equipment using digital video inputs, colour
or monochrome.
Excellent tools for testing
VTG software comes with a set of commonly-used timings and test
patterns. For user’s special needs it is simple to edit and modify them
and save for further use. It offers complete single pixel control in
any timing and pattern including text with bitmap and vector fonts. It
is easy to build test sequences for manufacturing, burn-in, quality
control and service routines. Also multiple cards can be controlled in
one PC.
Unigraf VTG Software and Hardware offer quick, easy and powerful tools
designed precisely for various types of video testing applications of
today and tomorrow.
Easy & Efficient Interfacing Control
The large variation in the interface signalling required by different
types of displays is solved by versatile
VTG Interface Adapter bus. Different VIA- and DIA- adapters, supporting
various display interfaces, can be connected to VTG-4116. New adapters
can be developed as the interfaces and standards improve and change.
Powerful programmability and software support
· Max 165 MHz single pixel clock and max 150 MHz double pixel clock
enabling 300 MHz pixel frequency
· WinVTG.exe User Interface for Windows™ (95, 98, NT, 2000, XP)
· DLL for application programming
· Bitmap support for multiple file formats: .bmp .gif .jpeg .pcd .pcx
.png .tif
· ATE support, VESA DPMS and DDC
· Unlimited number of permanent programmable patterns, timings, colors,
palettes, signal formats and sequences